The Black Hole’s Annual Winter Camp is here!
Running from 23rd December 2024 to 3rd January 2025, this exciting camp is specially designed for children aged 10–16. The camp offers a unique opportunity to explore science, unleash creativity through arts, and sharpen critical thinking and communication skills. Alongside learning, participants will enjoy curated movie screenings, music and vocal training, an engaging theater workshop, and so much more. It’s where fun meets learning in the most enriching way!
Here’s a glimpse of our exciting Winter Camp 2024 schedule! From science experiments to theater workshops, every day is packed with fun and learning. Check out the timetable below to see what’s in store!
Missed the chance to join us this year? Don’t worry! While the Winter Camp 2024 is already concluded, you can still experience the excitement. Watch some of our live-streamed sessions below and get a glimpse into the fun and learning happened at TBHole Winter Camp 2024!
- Here’s the Welcome and Introduction session where students and parents got a sneak peek into the exciting activities planned. Meet our team and join us in celebrating the start of this memorable journey.
Where Curiosity Meets Wisdom
Gupshup with Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy
- Experience the magic of an unforgettable interaction between young minds and one of the Pakistan’s most celebrated academics! In this lively and interactive session, Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy engages with our Winter Camp students, exploring ideas, sparking curiosity and sharing invaluable insights. Enjoy the discussion and be part of the journey where questions lead to discovery and learning knows no bounds!
- Let’s explore the fascinating world of fractals — self-replicating patterns found in nature, art and technology — with Dr. Naqeeb ur Rehman. Learn the math behind these mesmerizing designs and how fractals appear in everything from snowflakes to galaxies, and discover their applications in computer graphics and beyond.
How have humans utilized biology for social benefits? How have we interacted with nature over time, and how are we drawing inspiration from it today to transform nature into our technological ally? Hassnain Bokhari takes you on an exciting journey through the history of biology, exploring its impact on society and innovation!
Finally, two weeks of fun-filled learning, creativity and exploration have come to an end, and it’s time to recognize the enthusiasm and achievements of our young participants. Watch the highlights of the closing ceremony, heartfelt moments and the distribution of certificates to our bright campers who made this journey unforgettable.
A big thank you to all parents, mentors, and students for making this camp a resounding success!