Roots of Fundamentalism: The Case of Pakistan
In order to understand the growth of religious fundamentalism in Pakistan, it is important to go beyond culturalist and orientalist explanations. In this session of Bazm-e-Tareekh-o-Adab, Farooq Sulehria will discuss the factors that have been instrumental in projecting fundamentalism to a near-hegemonic position in the country, whereas Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy will moderate this session.
About the speaker
Farooq Sulehria teaches at Beaconhouse National University. He is author of ‘Media Imperialism in India and Pakistan’ (Routledge: 2018). He has also co-edited ‘From Terrorism to television: Dynamics of Media, State and Society in Pakistan’ (Routledge: 2021). Moreover, he edits daily Jeddojehad, an online Urdu-language website.