How A Star is Born: The Never-ending Story of a Star and Our Connection with the Cosmos

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Like humans, stars often live their long lives in pairs, called binaries. At the end of their lives, they experience drastic transformations, rather than simply ending, and these transformations greatly affect their companions.

In this lecture, the speaker will take you on a journey of the many lives of a massive star with a light companion star. Mass of star, among other factors, determines the path it takes and the changes it experiences before undergoing a sudden transformation into one of the most extreme objects in the cosmos, known as the supernova. Billions of years later, new stars are formed from the remnant of that explosion and the graveyard called the nebula and the story of a star continues.

About the speaker

M. Irfan Saeed has been an Observational Astrophysicist. His research interests focus on utilizing NASA’s TESS and JWST data to discover and characterize transiting exoplanets and their atmospheres. He had graduated in BS Space Science from IST in 2016 and worked as distant collaborative researcher with Tarleton State University. Also attended International School for Young Astronomers (ISYA) on Stars and Exoplanets organized by International Astronomical Union (IAU), Yunnan Astronomical Observatories (YAO) and Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS). He is the first and only Pakistani till date to discover three exoplanets.

Event registration closed.

Date And Time

Saturday, February 18, 2023 @ 06:00 PM to
07:30 PM

Registration End Date

Saturday, February 18, 2023

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